Software Engineering Department

Prepare for a digital future with the Software Engineering Department

About the Department

The journey continues

Software engineering is a branch of computer science concerned with the design, development, and maintenance of software in systematic and organized ways. This specialization focuses on the application of engineering principles to software development with the aim of producing high-quality, maintainable, and cost-effective software systems. Software engineering includes a variety of activities that start from specifying requirements and end with post-release software maintenance. The Department of Software Engineering at Irbid Private University was established in 2023 AD, and various subjects are taught to undergraduate students to cover various fields of computer knowledge, to meet the community's need for specialized cadres capable of harnessing computers to serve various state institutions.

Software engineering is a vital and important specialization in the current era of technology, as software plays a major role in various aspects of daily life and various industries...
وسيصار مستقبلاً إلى استحداث برامج أخرى في الماجستير رغبة من الجامعة في تحقيق آمال الطلبة الذين يحرصون على مواصلة تعليمهم في الجامعة الأم لإكمال مسيرتهم العلمية التي بدأوها بتطلعاتهم وآفاقهم .


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