Master of Mathematics Department

A promising future awaits you with the Department of Mathematics

About the Department

The journey continues

The Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science and Information Technology at Irbid National University welcomes you to its website. The Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science and Information Technology is one of the tributaries of the educational process at Irbid National University. It was established in 1994 and includes (8) members with PhDs and all academic ranks. The department also offers, within the graduate studies program, the Master's program in Mathematics, which was established in 2011 to meet the needs of the local and Arab community and in the belief that education is one of the most important economic pillars and the most contributing to the fields of economic development. The Department of Mathematics is distinguished by its importance for many specializations at the university, especially information technology specializations, due to its importance in understanding these sciences, programming them, and dealing with their algorithms and multiple applications. (22) batches have graduated. The department provides its services to an increasing number of male and female students of the college in their various specializations because mathematics is the common language and the basis of applied sciences. The number of research papers by faculty members has exceeded (170) published papers in peer-reviewed international journals, most of which are classified in databases such as Scopus and other databases. The department’s graduates have a prestigious position in the local and regional labor market, and their employment rate has reached a high value. The department is also keen on continuous communication with its students through the guidance programs it implements in each semester and through activating office hours for each faculty member.


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