Undergraduate Program

One-time additional fees upon enrollment at the university:

Irbid National University is considered one of the leading educational institutions in the region, as it seeks to achieve academic excellence and provide an educational environment that encourages creativity and innovation.

  • (15) دينارًا تأمينات مكتبية(مستردة).
  • (30) ديناراً تأمينات مختبرات لطلبة كلية التمريض( مستردة).
  • (60) دينار امتحان مستوى(غير مستردة).

University Services Fees for Undergraduate Level:

Irbid National University is considered one of the leading educational institutions in the region, as it seeks to achieve academic excellence and provide an educational environment that encourages creativity and innovation.

  • (300) دينار للفصلين الدراسي الأول والثاني .
  • (200)- ديناراً للفصل الدراسي الصيفي .

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