Student Clubs:

The university provides more opportunities for students to practice their activities and interests through clubs, which are formed at the beginning of the first semester of each year under the supervision of the Deanship of Student Affairs. The clubs are:

  1. Programming and Creativity Club.
  2. Sports and Mobile Club.
  3. Arab and Foreign Students Club.
  4. Health and Social Awareness Club.
  5. Arts and Music Club
  6. Initiatives and Volunteer Work Club.
  7. Salam Community Club.
  8. Political Thought and Dialogue Club.
  9. Cybersecurity Club.
  10. Thought and Debate Club
  11. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club.
  12. Cultural Club

2- Student Council:

Based on the lofty royal visions of strengthening the democratic approach and freedom of thought and opinion, the University Student Council was established. The Council emerges through free and fair democratic elections supervised by the Deanship, in which university students participate. The Council aims to build an integrated student personality that is aware of the issues of its nation and to enhance belonging to the university and the nation. It strengthens the relationship between the students, the faculty and the university’s employees, represents the students before the university and adopts their issues to achieve their interests in accordance with the university’s legislation and instructions. Every student registered at the university is considered a member of the general body of the council and participates in the Student Union Council elections that take place every year. To support and enhance student activities, develop the concept of teamwork, and follow up on student issues with the university administration.