A delegation from the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at Irbid National University participated in the Special Operations Equipment Exhibition SOFEX 2024, which was held under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein, and in the presence of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein, Advisor to His Majesty the King and Chairman of the National Policies Council, His Highness Prince Hashim bin Al Hussein, His Highness Prince Hussein bin Hashim, and His Highness Prince Mired bin Raad, Chief Chamberlain at the Royal Hashemite Court, with the participation of military leaders and civilian officials from sisterly and friendly countries, and in the presence of Prime Minister Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh, Acting Speaker of the Senate Samir Al-Rifai, President of the Judicial Council Muhammad Al-Ghazou, Chief of the Royal Hashemite Court Yousef Hassan Al-Issawi, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Major General Yousef Ahmed Al-Hunaiti, Director of General Intelligence Major General Ahmed Hosni, and Director of Public Security Major General Dr. Obaidallah Maaytah. 73 countries participated in it, and more than 300 international exhibiting companies specialized in defense and security industries. On behalf of the University Irbid National University participated in the exhibition: Dr. Ibrahim Siam, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Kofhi, Dr. Nidal Zuqaiba, and Dr. Hamza Al-Qudah, as part of the university’s commitment to cooperation in various scientific fields and its interest in understanding the broader impact of technology on national security and military industries.
The university delegation was received by: Brigadier Engineer Hani Al Hindi / General Manager of the Jordan Company for the Manufacture of Ammunition and Support Services, Colonel Engineer Samer Al Majali / General Manager of the Jordan Company for the Manufacture of Light Vehicles, Colonel Engineer Walid Al Rababa’a / General Manager of Jadara Company for Equipment and Defense Systems, Engineer Marah Gharib / First Company for Composite Fibers, and Ms. Raja Asfour / Platform JODDB Innovation Hub, and Mrs. Aisha Khreisat, where they briefed the delegation on the most prominent companies affiliated with the Jordanian Design and Development Center (JODDB), and on the most important topics included in the exhibition this year and on some military products that were recently manufactured in Jordan.
SOFEX is one of the world’s leading defence exhibitions, attracting stakeholders from various military and civilian sectors from around the world. This year’s exhibition focused on advanced technological solutions for security, defence, cybersecurity and operations in the digital age, and was held under the theme “Cooperation and Convergence to Strengthen Global Security”. What distinguishes this year is that it hosts the second edition of the “Lafitte” exhibition for drones, which play a pivotal role in special operations in reconnaissance and surveillance missions and reducing human risks. It also provides an opportunity to review the achievements of the Jordanian Armed Forces (the Arab Army) in enhancing their capabilities and professionalism to keep pace with current and future requirements, in light of regional challenges.
At the end of the meeting, the university delegation conveyed the greetings of Professor Dr. Majed Abu Zureiq, President of Irbid National University, to the organizers of the exhibition and to the management of the Jordanian Center for Design and Development (JODDBThey appreciated the efforts made by the exhibition organizers and thanked the organizers for their warm welcome and hospitality.
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